We are a small council of seven Councillors supported by a Parish Clerk.
We meet every third Thursday in the month at the Village Hall on Stockton Road opposite the Castle Eden Inn. Members of the public are welcome to attend and may ask questions providing they have informed the Clerk. Let us know in advance, at least seven days prior to the Meeting. You should indicate the relevant item on the Agenda or request an item to be added. The period of notice is used to confirm agreement by the Chair and to inform the Parish Councillors.
Elections to the Parish Council are held every four years. The next elections are due to be held in May 2021.
Dates of our meetings are here as well as agendas and minutes since January 2012.
Our responsibilities are quite varied ranging from commenting on local planning applications to keeping footpaths clear.
To ensure we have a clear idea of what we need to achieve we have adopted a Parish plan which contains a series of actions we aim to complete over the next couple of years. The plan was initiated after a Public Meeting in November 2009. The plan was produced after considerable consultation with the community and formally adopted on 16 November, 2010.
Progress against the plan is reported at the monthly Parish Council meetings. Much of the work is carried out by Action Castle Eden (ACE) a charity formed in April 2011 by a group of residents to undertake activity to improve the village and encourage community spirit.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.